Friday, November 12, 2010


Banksy is the name of a British graffiti artist, who identity is unknown. He combines irrelevant dark humor with graffiti done in stenciling. His artwork has been featured on streets, walls and bridges of cities throughout the world. His work was born out of the Bristol underground scene which involved collaborations between artists and musicians. According to Tristan Marco, Banksy was born in 1974 in Bristol, England. Banksy is known as one of the most famous graffiti artists of his time.

I really like Banksy's work a lot. I think its very creative and interesting. It makes you put things in a different light. I also like that many of his works are exhibited all around the world. It gives everyone a chance to take a look at his work. His work is done in great detail, which makes it that much more realistic.


When I first saw Banky's work, I liked it right away. I am a big fan of graffiti and I think Banksy is one of the best in our time. Not only is he a great artist, he's work has such great meaning and importance. Many of his works are done on regular buildings but are about war, peace, starvation, and even the oil problems the world is having. Not only is Banksy a graffiti artist he is a speaker to the world showing through his art that people and countries need to change. They all have deeper meaning then what they are actually shown. His work is really inspiring and the fact that his pieces are all around the world shows his work is doing more then just being graffiti on the wall.

- Owen

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