Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Brillo Box-Warhol

The Brillo Boxes were created by Andy Warhol in 1964. Andy Warhol was a popular commercial artist at the time of the creation of this work, and only helped his stock rise by doing so.The Brillo Boxes have, in a sense, been taken out of the retail world and put into the art world in this piece. They earn the title as Warhol's most famous piece of artwork, and really helped him rise to prominence.

Some critics call Warhol and his works very simplistic and uncreative, and I agree. I don't see the underlying meaning or concept he was trying to bring forth through this work. I feel that he simply took Brillo pad boxes and made it his own, which is fine, but it still doesn't necessarily make it art, let alone a very famous and renowned piece of art. Although I must applaud Warhol for essentially making "nothing" (Brillo boxes) into a very significant "something" (for some) which is now a famous piece of artwork, I can't seem to find or grasp the message that he was aiming to convey to his viewers.

The Brillo Boxes by Andy Warhol was a very popular art piece for its time. It was created in 1964 and what is interesting about the piece is that it is basically just a bunch of boxes. You wouldn't really consider this  a masterpiece of art, but on the other hand some people don't see just retail boxes; they see a fantastic piece of art. It really is in the eye of the beholder. Some could call this piece crap while others find it amazing. In my own opinion I can see how it is considered art with the forms, colors, and shapes. But, to call this piece a masterpiece when all he did was stack boxes is puzzling to me. I am not an art critic but what Warhol has done is established himself as a renowned artist in today's society between critics and fans.

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